A baby, the beach & a holiday… Top tips to survive a beach holiday with a baby | Caravia Beach Hotel
A baby, the beach & a holiday… Top tips to survive a beach holiday with a new born

Surviving on vacation with a baby

Ok so you have just welcomed your latest addition in your family and you are ready to start making memories. So you have booked your first beach vacation, where days will be spent idyllically lounging by the beach, paddling in the water with your baby, strolls in the sunset…

Sounds perfect right?

For those of us who have had the experience [ and wished they had thought twice before they embarked on a vacation with a baby], here is a great article  from (@jacquigiff) on Travel +Leisure I am sharing with you, so that you can get your sun soaked memories without the unwanted surprises. ( It also includes a video on how to pack for kids…wish this was around for my first family trip…!)

It is all about preparing, planning and not having very high expectations. What do you think?

Do you have any pearls of wisdom you wish to share?

Please feel free to comment. I am sure new mums and dads can use all the advice they can get!

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