Easter in Kos and all you need to know about Greek Easter Bread | Caravia Beach
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Greek Easter in Kos and all you need to know about Greek Easter Bread

Easter is the biggest celebration of the Greek Orthodox Faith. Easter in Greece has numerous differences from the way it is celebrated to the rest of Europe. There is no egg hunt, there is no shoulder of ham; the only thing in common may be chocolate Easter eggs!

Holy Week is special with church sermons every evening and is the peak of lent, where you are expected to fast even olive oil not to mention meat, fish and dairy. This year of course is an exception due to the Covid_19 pandemic, and thus, the public will not be attending church. However, resisting the solemn mood of lock down mode, here we will revisit the highlights of Greek Easter at its best, so that we can prepare for the ones that are to come.

Share with us the joy of Greek Easter by learning how to make Tsourekia and dye Greek Easter eggs and lets hope that next year we can all unite and enjoy them together.

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